Monday, November 28, 2011

Karl Marx and Communism

This time, after discussing the economic philosophy of laissez faire philosophy of the bloggers will discuss the economy to another Karl Marx and Communism. Although it seems unsurpassable, philosophy laissez faire under challenge because private companies are not restricted, although it raises the level of production, is considered not to distribute the profits evenly. If the rich get richer, the poor get poorer, so that the submission of claims, exploited, miserable life, living in slums, forced to work in a long time with low pay, and often do not get a job, they're starving.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Why does everything have a price?

Why does everything have a price? To begin to understand how the price is determined, try to imagine yourself, in your backyard garden, plant some extra cabbage trees in excess of what you need. What price would you ask for cabbage, cabbage is it? Or say you are skilled in carpentry work, and at a time when leisure, you can create a seat for sale. What price would you ask? Funds if you do not lose time to make it?

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Adam Smith and Laissez Faire

Adam Smith and Laissez Faire. In this climate of opinion emerged for the first great economist, Adam Smith . Professor of the University of Glasgow. His book, The Wealth of Nations, published in 1776, provide a rationale that sought by the new captains of world industry produces many different needs.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Modern Economics

If we come to the study of modern economics, we must start with a cautious attitude. Because not all modern economics the same. You may be argued that, based on the logic of economic development, all modern states would lead to similar forms of economic organization. But if you look at the whole world right now, you can clearly see the two forms.